Classroom Discipline
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Hi, I am really getting stress with a group of senior class. I have been teaching 9 and 10th grade (which I enjoy). But this year I have been given a senior class. This class is very chatty and get distracted very easily (some of them have IEP). I know last year this seniors gave a lot of trouble to some teachers. This year, I talked to another teacher who teach them and she told me that they are very chatty in her class too. I already have given detention to some of the seniors and they seem to not care. What I am doing now is recording who talk the most everyday, because I could not pin point who starts talking. Some of them have noticed and asked what I am doing and I tell them that I am giving extra credit to those who are working quietly. But I still have around 7 or 8 that keep talking, even if I call their name, give them detention or change seats. Is like they don't care. My other option now is to start calling parents.

Also, I have a couple of "good" students who have...See More
Vet Teacher On 9/16/12, Steacher wrote:

Kids have very different learning styles and very different needs in class and nothing gets my goat more than when they throw different kinds of learners into any one of my classes - especially when they put the "I need quiet" kids in with the kids with short attention spans.

I encourage discussion in ...See More
Sep 18, 2012
Call those parents! Seniors damn know better than this kind of behavior. They're being selfish and inconsiderate. Call Mom, Dad, or Granny up for some much needed reinforcement.

And guess what, do they WANT to graduate this year? Don't you dare give rude, disruptive students any breaks on their grades.

LOVE the extra credit for the kids who politely ...See More
Oct 16, 2012
Bad Idea OK, so I understand the problem here is a chatty class...that is a classroom management problem. The fact that the previous poster suggests using the students grades as an intervention is not good. A teacher should never allow a students behavior to impact their grade...neither by awarding extra credit for good behavior or deducting for poor behavi...See More
Oct 19, 2012

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