Remedial Reading
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    Attention Reading Teachers: Not many post messages here anymore it seems. The last time I was on this message board was in 2019, so it has been a while since anyone has posted anything. Instead of continuing old topics or questions, I would love old and new members give a brief introduction. This could be brief and include the following information...See More
    Is anyone using Wilson Reading Program----trying to see difference between this and Orton Gillingham? Help
    Nicole Schaben Wilson Fundations IS an OG program.
    May 10, 2019
    Hi I am looking for old Merrill Linguistic decodable readers tht might be stilling on your shelf unused. Right now, I need Merrill G and H (Take Flight and Break Through). Does anyone have these?
    Hi I am looking for old Merrill Linguistic decodable readers tht might be stilling on your shelf unused. Right now, I need Merrill G and H (Take Flight and Break Through). Does anyone have these?
    Hi I am looking for old Merrill Linguistic decodable readers tht might be stilling on your shelf unused. Right now, I need Merrill G and H (Take Flight and Break Through). Does anyone have these?
    4 Easy Teaching Strategies for Summarizing Skills By Susan Fitzell Summarizing is a life-long skill that greatly affects student learning. It is also a skill that students struggle with significantly. One of the worst consequences of a lack of summarizing skills is the ease with which students will mistakenly plagiarize. Early in my teaching career...See More
    Hi! I start seeing my kiddies next week, and I want to be able to see what their main struggles are- fluency, comprehension, etc. Are there any online Reading Inventories out there? Thanks!

    1. [link removed]

    easyCBM™ is an enhanced district assessment system designed by researchers at the University of Oregon as an integral part of an RTI (Response to Intervention) model. Distributed exclusively by Riverside, it provides school districts, administrators, and teach...See More
    Sep 1, 2012
    Grover Can you send me the pdf from florida: I can't get it to pull up.

    On 9/01/12, Nicole/MO wrote: > A GREAT LIST OF 14 FREE ONLINE READING INVENTORIES: > > 1. > > easyCBM™ is an enhanced district assessment system designed by > researchers at the Uni...See More
    yesterday, 2017
    > The principals have too much power and will/can do > whatever is necessary to "get rid" of a teacher they don't > like. The principal can write up bad reports(which are not > true) and have the district back it up falsely. The unions > are virtually worthless........ > > > On 11/02/13, anon wrote: >> This t...See More
    Has anyone paid for a membership to the Reading Recovery Council? Is it worth the cost?

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