Remedial Reading
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Our school is using Dibels for reading fluency, however we have no quick assessment for comprehension. The retelling in Dibels is not producing worthwhile information regarding comprehension. We are having difficulty because we have no real data on students in this area for our RtI meetings. We just began guided reading a couple of years ago and teachers/administration are still looking at fluency rather than students' comprehension. I'd appreciate any suggestions of how to remedy this, along with quick comprehension assessments that will produce usable data. Thanks!
Cathy Marie - the best progress monitoring piece I've come up with are mazes for comprehension. Aimsweb has them; minimum cost. I've made my own mazes by copying passages from grade leveled/incremental materials that I found online and pasting into a website that 'mazes' them. Lots of work, though. I'm not 100% sold on them, either.

The QRI has...See More
Aug 27, 2010
Mae in Texas Take a look at the Teacher's College Reading Assessment. It's one on one, short, and easy to use. Mae
Aug 27, 2010
Diana Maxwell On 8/22/10, Marie wrote: > Our school is using Dibels for reading fluency, however we > have no quick assessment for comprehension. The retelling in > Dibels is not producing worthwhile information regarding > comprehension. We are having difficulty because we have no > real data on students in this area for our RtI meetings. We >...See More
Aug 27, 2010
Diana Maxwell On 8/22/10, Marie wrote: > Our school is using Dibels for reading fluency, however we > have no quick assessment for comprehension. The retelling in > Dibels is not producing worthwhile information regarding > comprehension.

I use the Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI-4) which is relatively quick to administer and it's object...See More
Aug 27, 2010
Mark Pennington Here's my take on reading comprehension assessments. Unlike PA, phonics, encoding, fluency, word recognition, etc. assessments, a reading comprehension test provides no precise and "teachable" data. If you can't teach to it, why give it?
Aug 27, 2010

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