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My two self-contained LIMI teacher coworkers and I texted on and off all day yesterday about the new curriculum. We are all in agreement that we have no clue what we are doing. However, we are ahead of the game because we all have been teaching our own academically based programs for years, unlike some of our peers in the district who did more self-help/care type programs. So, we are going to just plug and along and do the best we can. Our supervisor will be in the building today, which is both nerve-wracking and somewhat comforting at the same time. I am changing my paras' schedules today, too, so that will be a bit stressful. I have one who is very, um, resistant to change. The building opens in 9 minutes. I'd better get going. Love getting there at 6:00 a.m. so I can be one of the first at the copy machine. Kathy
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Beth Special Needs Oh, Kathy! That sounds like a mess! I will never understand why kids with IEPs get stuck with scripted programs and canned curriculums, When your paras are all on their breaks at the same time are you alone in the room? I hope it gets better for you. Beth
Sep 2, 2014
Kathy back at Beth I am in the room alone for right now. At some point, when a 1:1 nurse is hired from the same agency that works with my absent student at home and he starts to come to school, there will be another adult. She can't help with the other students but can be a second set of eyes or someone to push the intercom button to the office if there is an emergen...See More
Sep 2, 2014
Betty Ann Technology is great--when it works. My students are doing their core academics with on-line programs. But most of our computers won't reliably connect to the internet--up and then down. Then it's slow. Then it requires shockwave or other programs that we don't have administrative rights to download. Then ...

Sounds like you did just fine t...See More
Sep 2, 2014
Beth Special Needs Good! We all need those extra eyes! I know you will figure out this ULS thing and be an old pro at it by May. You may end up loving it so much you'll change your mind about retirement. :) Seriously, I hope it is one of those things that once you work out the kinks is just wonderful. I know you always do the best for your kiddos.

On 9/02/14...See More
Sep 2, 2014
Kathy It is 5:50 a.m. I am heading it to school in a minute. I only live a few minutes away and want to give "Mr. Bill" a chance to get the lights turned on. I am going to set up the worksheets (which I hate for my kiddos) in the centers and just do the introduction at the large group table. I will rotate the kids through the appropriate centers while ot...See More
Sep 3, 2014

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