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A parent of one of my students has started ignoring very important information that I try sharing. I am always trying to talk about positive things that happen,but this specific child gets extremely aggressive at times(biting, head butting, scratching, hitting, etc) therefore I am forced to inform the parent.There are times that he will cry because he is in some type of pain. Any time I try to discuss anything with the parent I am completely ignored to the point to where I just stop speaking and document instead. Any advise from some of you veteran SPED teachers that have been through a similar situation before? I am getting extremely frustrated.
Beth Special Needs I'm not sure I understand. Do you call her and she does not respond verbally at all or does she verbally acknowledge when you speak to her, but then see no evidence of follow up? You are correct that you need to inform her of her son's behavior, but for some kids, unfortunately aggressive behavior is so much a part of their day that it would be lik...See More
Oct 16, 2014

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