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Hi! My name is Lindsay and I am a general education teacher with experiences teaching basic skills and resource. I am currently working on an Action Research Project for my Inclusive Education graduate program. I am trying to collect data to answer the question, why are male teachers interested in teaching special education? If you are a male special education teacher or if you know anyone who is, please help me out by answering a few questions for me. All information is confidential and will only be used for my research project. Thank you in advance. I sincerely appreciate your help!

Question: Why are male teachers interested in teaching special education?

1. Do you teach a form of special education at the elementary, middle, or high school level?

2. What form of special education do you teach?

2. How long have you been teaching special education?

3. DId you always have a desire to work with students with disabilities?

4. How woul...See More

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