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I teach in a very small k-12 independent school and have a rising 9th grader with severe dyscalculia. I am very concerned about getting him through algebra 1 this year. What are some accommodatios/modifications that you have used to help your students?. He performs well in all other subjects. Thank you for your help.
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Betty Ann I'm guessing that in your independent school students don't ac actually have IEPs, so there are no ac accommodations/modifications in place for the student.

When you say dyscalculia, do you mean that he struggles with calculations, that he lacks number sense, that he doesn't understand mathematical concepts, or... Sometimes a good math stu...See More
Aug 16, 2015
phannie On 8/16/15, Betty Ann wrote: > I'm guessing that in your independent school students don't ac > actually have IEPs, so there are no ac > accommodations/modifications in place for the student. > > When you say dyscalculia, do you mean that he struggles with > calculations, that he lacks number sense, that he doesn't > understand...See More
Aug 16, 2015
phannie On 8/16/15, Betty Ann wrote: > I'm guessing that in your independent school students don't ac > actually have IEPs, so there are no ac > accommodations/modifications in place for the student. > > When you say dyscalculia, do you mean that he struggles with > calculations, that he lacks number sense, that he doesn't > understand...See More
Aug 16, 2015
phannie Thank you for your responses. This student struggles with just making sense of numbers...they are like a foreign language ti him! some days just subtracting 5-1 has to be done on his fingers. We actually do have IEPs but our resources are limited. He is allowed to use the calculator most of the time..he also has dysgraphia which makes solving equat...See More
Aug 16, 2015
dyscalculia Headlines On 8/15/15, phannie wrote: > I teach in a very small k-12 independent school and have > a rising 9th grader with severe dyscalculia. I am very > concerned about getting him through algebra 1 this year. > What are some accommodatios/modifications that you > have used to help your students?. He performs well in all > other subjects....See More
Aug 17, 2015

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