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Hi everyone,

I teach special ed preK with students who are 3 to 5 years old. Right now my range of students include 3 yr olds who have some delays to a 5 yr old who has slight delays with potential to go to gen ed Kindergarten. In the past I've had my students line up and walk in line behind me without too many problems. Right now I have two 3 yr olds who can't seem to stay in line despite modeling efforts and prompting from staff members. One of them during play time runs into things and people. Neither of them pay attention to where they are going. When the two of them get out of line, other students follow and then the line thing is history. My aides are also not very helpful. Should I just give up and have everyone hold hands? I just don't want my class to be all over the place whenever we go out of the classroom.
KT Our preschool used use to a rope with handles. Each student had there own circle to hang on to. The teacher was in the lead and paras were either in the middle and end or just the end depending on many there were. It seemed to work well.

On 12/11/15, preK special ed teacher wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I teach special ed preK with st...See More
Dec 11, 2015
Jenn Our preschool teacher has a dedicated para in her room who frequently walks holding the hands of one or two students. Let your paras know that from now on they need to be holding the hands of those two students in the hallways. Put it in writing, along with several other "updates" or changes, so they have no excuse to not follow it. If th...See More
Dec 12, 2015
Gimet I used the rope with the rings also. (Mostly in the beginning of the school year until the students understood the behavior expectations.) Alternate the students right side/left side so they don't stumble over each other.
Dec 13, 2015

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