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I work as a special education teacher in a multicategorical state. In our district we used to have a formula to determine how many caseload hours equaled a full time position. Recently, the formula was eliminated because of a new way of serving students. Previously we primarily pulled students to our resource room for services. We are now told that services for students in K-1 should all be pushed into the classrooms. In the building I work in we are struggling with this because K-1 alone has 12 classrooms. Next year they are adding 2nd grade to this new plan so it will be 18 classrooms. In addition, caseloads have become higher and planning time is nearly non existent. Our building has 5 resource teachers and our caseloads range from 22-30. We are in a high poverty area and many of our students qualify under OHI, ED, Autism or Cog. Impairment. I personally have a group of high need students who have many hours on their IEPS. I also have students in grades K, 1, 2, and 5. I have at lea...See More
LN I work in a small community and our caseloads are based on a formula. I don't think a formula takes into account all that you do and very often is guess and check based on input. They don't always listen to teachers and have their own idea of what is appropriate as a number. I am currently teaching 4 students that are level 3 (severe disabilities) ...See More
Mar 15, 2016
sped I worked at a district two years ago that had several sped vacancies that they could not fill. We were one of the lowest paid in the state, with all the problems bad schools have. The district really should have been taken over by the state, but the state didn't want to do it because... then they have to run that crap hole, and they didn't want to ...See More
Mar 19, 2016

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