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Hi All, Myself Elene Dixon and am here to share my thought or opinion for the special needs children. I have a 9 years old daughter and we are very sad about her perfomace she was always quiet and dull and we were sad about this situation . we tried many treatments and consulted doctors etc.. but nothing could help us Last week i heard about Alpha to Omega a Eductional institution for special needs children like dyslexia, autism, etc.. i visited their school in Chennai and i was very happy to see of how they treat the children's and the way of teaching was excellent most of the students could easily catch up with them . i have never seen an educating system like this then we enquired more about them and all the parents whose child's were studying in Alpha to Omega were happy parents. This week I joined my daughter there and I can see changes in her behaviour she is improving . So i thought to recommend Alpha to Omega to all who looking for there special children's education.

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