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My son has an I.E.P in place, on that I.E.P it states he has sever anxiety, selective mutism, paranoia and learning disability. He is in an inclusion class.My son has bit hit across the face twice, kicked, and has been hit in the head by the same child throwing books. The child also has a habit of throwing chairs. I would never think I would have to teach my son in kindergarten on how to defend himself or fear for his safety.There are four adults in the class room. The child study team propose to send him to another classroom which is not an inclusion classroom. My son did nothing wrong and he is strict on routine. He should not be the one moved because my son is not the problem. What can I do legally?
jsm0731 Make sure you have a copy of your parents rights handbook. You should get one every year. What state are you in? Also, look for a parent advocate (there are lots of agencies around). Is it your son that is doing the biting and hitting? Or is he being the one hit? Legally, if he is successful in the inclusion classroom (which is one of the least re...See More
May 19, 2016
cnn My guess is that there is not another inclusion classroom. The kid doing the hitting and what not may have an IEP too and that parent may know her rights. You don't want to deprive the poor ED kid, now do you? The knife cuts both ways, doesn't it?

On 5/19/16, jsm0731 wrote: > Make sure you have a copy of your parents rights > handboo...See More
May 19, 2016
AM Check your state for the federal disabilities law center. They have classes, usually a hotline and advocates. Check out your state LDA chapter. I got excellent info from them in the beginning of my trails as a parent. If they have an annual conference attend it. Wealth of info. Take classes on the law. You're going to need it.

They cannot...See More
Aug 22, 2016

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