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Are You a Professional Working with Individuals with Autism (ASD)?

Ever had a student with a BIP or implemented a BIP for an individual with ASD? If so, I would like to invite you to participate in a research study. This form is designed to give you information about this research study. I will describe this study to you and answer any of your questions. The purpose of my research is to determine the effectiveness of BIPs in reducing the target behavior and increasing the individual’s overall performance. The electronic survey will take about 20 minutes to complete through Formsite. All data collection from this research will be anonymous. Your participation is voluntary. You are free to terminate your participation at any point until you submit your survey. Should you terminate your participation before the end of the survey none of your data will be included in the study. There are no anticipated risks to your participation in this research study. By conducting this resear...See More

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