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Hi, took my early retirement pension from 35 years in construction trades in 2014. Graduated magna cum laude with my BA in Sociology/ minor in Psych just last May 2017. Took the four prerequisite SPED classes my senior year to apply for post-grad SPED mild/moderate intern program. Amazingly, just got hired as a 7th grade SPED intern teacher at biggest district in our Valley at their not-open-yet, brand-new STEM/AVIID Science and Aeronautics campus and I feel exhilarated and freaked-out at the same time. As an intern, my understanding is I will be the teacher-of-record in the room and I will have at least one assistant. No other teacher will be there holding my hand. Luckily, wife is a third-year mild/moderate resource teacher.

Since I don't know exactly what subjects I'll teach (I'm certain ELA and math will be mine), what tech or curriculum I'll have, or what my students will be like, I can't plan very much.

To be honest, I don't know what made them hire me, I just...See More

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