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Hi, my class is a self-contained unit for student's who have severe cognitive disabilities, grades 6-8. My class is currently housed in a full sized classroom with 8 student's and 3 adult staff. Due to the addition of more general education classes and the small number of students, my class will be moving to a half classroom. Many of my students have sensory issues and sensitivities with being in close proximity to one another and need space to move away from peers. This will not be possible in our new situation. I also have been teaching for 27 years and will need to consolidate my supplies from 12 cabinets into 4 cabinets, as my students often require more supplies and equipment than in a gen ed class. There is also no space in this room for student's to keep their belongings, such as coats and bookbag. Does anyone have any ideas how I can organize this space in order for maximum success

and less stress among crowded students? I'm having difficulty imagining much success in...See More

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