As I recall (could be wrong), it is a relatively...See MoreAlways tough to say for sure. It could be a very good sign, or it could be part of a group email that was sent out to many candidates. In any case, it is likely that Garmisch has/will have an opening in one or more of your certification areas. So, if you are interested, answer yes I suppose.
As I recall (could be wrong), it is a relatively small post and does not offer all grades, which could be something to consider if you have school age children.
Does anyone have insights into Hohenfels Middle/HIgh School in Germany? The idea of teaching at a school that has grades 7-12 with just 280 students sounds wonderful. But, I suspect that this post is highly competitive.
hahaFrom my understanding,/experiences it's a nice, smaller post with generally good facilities and interesting villages in the surrounding communities. The school is relatively new and with good facilities. I've heard generally good things about the admin/faculty, but that info. is a bit dated. Bavaria is definitely a nice place to live/work.
Does anyone have any insights into whether FERS retired annuitants are brought on by DODEA as rehired annuitants or whether we keep receiving our FERS retirement while working under contract with DODEA? I retired from DOJ, and asked two people at HR. Each one gave me a different answer. Thanks!
For those of you hired, do you remember how many of your references were contacted before the tentative offer was made? Also, is the email form sent from HR to them "standard", or are phone calls more common.
IcanreadI don't think any of my references were contacted for the position I currently hold. Prior to that, I do think the hiring admin contacted at least a couple of my references.
I ha...See MoreHello! I am new to all of this. My youngest is on Active Duty and just got her first duty post in Alaska. Since I am an empty nester, I decided to dive into the DODEA world. I applied this weekend and my references have already been completed. I didn't target any specific areas in Europe as I am just wanting to enjoy living overseas.
I have so many questions! I have read a few posts and saw some people have been on waitlists for over seven years!!! Is that in general or country specific?
Also, if you live overseas, do you live on post? Is relocation included in your package as well as housing?
Conditions at each ;location will also very wildly and can chance from year yo year. Many/most locations will have teachers live off base, but a fair amount offer the chance to live on. All overseas locations will offer housing or housing allowance. All overseas locations will pay for your move.
Check out the FB page for DoDEA job seekers if you have not already. Happy to answer questions here as well though.
Do all three of the individuals who were emailed the professional evaluation need to have it submitted before administrators will be alerted of my application? I'm waiting for my principal to submit it and I feel like she is dragging her feet. I wasn't sure if it's absence affects my ability to get a referral.
lma324No, your evaluations do not need to be done to get on referral lists. I had my references mail in my evals and ALL of them were "returned to sender" bc apparently the address to send them was wrong. I still got hired and not one eval was done. Good luck!
lma324No, your evaluations do not need to be done to get on referral lists. I had my references mail in my evals and ALL of them were "returned to sender" bc apparently the address to send them was wrong. I still got hired and not one eval was done. Good luck!
Apparently, teachers certified in SPED Learning Impaired Mild to Moderate are very hard to find and hire right now (at least in Japan). If you have that cert make sure that your EAS is active and up to date.
I recently decided to reapply for DoDEA. I had an offer but had to reject 2 school years ago. I know this might hurt my chances of getting hired (or so I've been told).
So most of paper work doesn't change for me. I selected my school to be 23-24. I was told to re-upload the documents so that it would trigger for the system to reconsider me for 23-24. So I did that last night.
I know that it is a waiting game. It took me years to get that previous offer and that's why it was very difficult for me to reject it when I had to do so. But is there anything else do I need to upload or do before being considered again?
IcanreadThe new hiring season (for 23-24) won't start until March at the earliest. Right now, administrators are still hiring for the current school year.
That being said, never say never in life, especially with the gov't/DoDEA. Math is a great area to have and almost anything is possible. Get your application in, find a fulltime teaching position in a K-12 setting, start getting that experience and hope for the best. Any other certs you could add to the math would also be very helpful.
For example, I'm certified to teach math. My 1st certificate only covers up to grade 9. I got my second one up to grade 12. But they would choose me for middle school level over my high school since I have a lot more of teaching experience in middle school.
As I recall (could be wrong), it is a relatively...See More