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There has just been a position posted that I am interested in but there is no indication of a starting date. The position closes in December. Do you think this position could start at the 2017-18 school year or do you think it would be more immediate? Thank you for any help you can offer!
haha DoDDS generally does not advertise for positions. If they are advertising now for an actual position (and not just to get a pool of candidates) then it would be for this school year and not the next.
Nov 17, 2016
Speechie Thank you I received an email today that said opening to be filled as soon as possible With travel dates what does that mean?
Nov 21, 2016
haha It sounds like they want someone there right away (or as soon as they can be hired and processed).
Nov 22, 2016
Speechie Haha you sound like you know what your talking about! Thank you..if I were to take a job with Dodea how many of my years of experience would they take? I have a 30+ and 2 masters degrees..thank you so much for help.. 2 more immediate jobs have been posted in my area..
Nov 22, 2016
haha If the position is with DoDDS overseas then they would take 10 years which would start you off on step 11 of one of the pay lanes (probably Masters +30 credits). If it's a stateside school then I believe they only give you credit for 5 years (but the salary scale is higher).
Nov 22, 2016

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