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Hello: I am in desperate need of advice. I have an MI/Self-contained room. My problem is I have a student who has emotional/behavioral issues as well as being mentally impaired with ADHD to boot! I have tried every strategy known to man and have ignored negative, praised positive behaviors; been as quiet as a church mouse all the way up to a Hell Fire and Brimstone Teacher. We have offered rewards (if he will even go five minutes good) and nothing works. When he's in the room he is a disruption to students, refuses to work, and disrespectful to staff. However, when counselor or principal or vice principal come in, he plays this poor pitiful me routine. Today, I had a situation in which he stormed out my door....vp caught him...came into room and yelled at him and then screamed at me (in front of my kids I might add). Nothing is working and I am on my last fuse. When I talked with admin, I was told that I needed to give more breaks (my ? is what about structure) and that my kids will ne...See More
Beth Special Needs? Have you done an FBA on him. I would start there. That will help you narrow down behaviors to focus on in order of priority. I always choose safety issues first. Then develop and continue to refine a BIP. The process is time consuming, but can be worth it if you have a good team and good data.
Oct 2, 2014
I<3Sped On 10/02/14, Beth Special Needs? wrote: > Have you done an FBA on him. I would start there. > That will help you narrow down behaviors to focus on in > order of priority. I always choose safety issues first. Then > develop and continue to refine a BIP. The process is time > consuming, but can be worth it if you have a good team > ...See More
Dec 20, 2014

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