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I'm 50 years old and after 28 years in a highly specialized self-employed career, I'm finding myself in need of a new career. A midlife career change is a daunting prospect and there aren't too many options, especially for someone like me with no employment history. But I keep reading how special ed teachers are in demand. Do you think it is feasible for someone my age to pursue a second career in special ed? I know I'll need to obtain the education, degree, and certification first, but I am trying to figure out if it would be worth it to even try. (Some middle age people go back to school and get new degrees but no one will hire them). I do have a bachelors in music ed so that might shorten the time a bit needed for a special ed degree, I hope, but I still fear it may be too big of a financial gamble to go back to school for this. Any thoughts? Thanks.
men52 My granddaughter had a teacher who was retired from a lengthy career in manufacturing.He had always wanted to be a teacher after having had a fifth grade teacher who had had such a big impact on him. He went back to college to fill in the credits to get his teaching certification and in his late 50's went into teaching. He started out as an interve...See More
Feb 2, 2018
haha I did the same thing that you are contemplating although I was around 40 at the time instead of 50. I had a BA in a non-education field and was able to test into a temporary SPED certification in FL due to the high need and find a job right away. I was also able to find jobs teaching SPED in NY and overseas in int'l schools with little problem. I e...See More
Feb 2, 2018

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